New - JellyFish Lighting

JellyFish Lighting

JellyFish Lighting is a permanent color-changing LED lighting system for the exterior of homes. It is capable of everything from nightly accent lighting that mimics recessed can lighting, to any color and pattern for your holidays and parties.

Locally Licensed JellyFish Dealer

We are Cheyennes' locally licensed JellyFish Lighting dealer. As electricians we are already certified to do the low voltage work, and are experienced in working in and around your business or home and providing a professional experience from beginning to end.

No more getting on your roof!

Among many of the benefits of having JellyFish Lighting, is the fact that you or your loved ones never have to worry about hanging or taking down lights ever again! The lights are installed permanently to the exterior of the home or business and are color selectable from an app on your phone!

Any Holiday or Occasion!

With fully customizable lighting down to each individual LED light, you can pick and choose any color combination straight from your phone! The JellyFish Lighting app allows you to not only change the colors to match whatever holiday or occasion you want, but you can also change the brightness, and even the movement of the lighting, including a twinkling or lightning effect! Pre-sets are included for all major holidays and an idle accent lighting mode is also available.


Got a question? We’re here to help.

  • What is JellyFish Lighting?

    JellyFish Lighting is a permanent color-changing LED lighting system for the exterior of homes. It is capable of everything from nightly accent lighting that mimics recessed can lighting to any color and pattern for your holidays and parties. Easily decorate for all occasions like Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Halloween, Birthday Parties, and more!

  • How long does the system last?

    JellyFish Lighting System is a robust, outdoor rated LED lighting system. LED lighting is known for its durability. The LEDs are rated for years and years of use.

  • Can I control different parts of the lighting on my house?

    Yes, we have zoning which allows the ability to only turn on certain sections of lights or to have different patterns on different parts of your home at the same time.

  • Where are the lights installed?

    The lights are installed to the outer part of the soffit behind the fascia or trim facing downward. It is color-matched to blend in, and be discreet from the street!

  • Can I make my own accent lighting?

    Yes, you can! The lights are individually addressable, allowing you to choose which lights you want on and what color (anything from bright to soft white). For example, you can turn on two lights at the top of each peak while the rest of the lights stay off.

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